There has been a reduction of serious violence incidents in Wales.

A new report by Cardiff University indicates a 14 per cent reduction in serious violence in England and Wales, particularly noting a considerable decrease in violent incidents affecting individuals aged 18-30.

The study by the University's Violence Research Group estimated that in 2023, around 141,804 people sought emergency treatment for violence-related injuries in England and Wales.

This marks a decrease of 22,919 (14 per cent) from the previous year, reflecting a resumption of a steady downward trend in violence after a surge during the covid-19 years.

According to the data, emergency hospital treatment for violent injuries decreased in 2023 compared to 2022 among different age groups.

Specifically, there was a decrease of 3.7 per cent for 11-17 year olds, a significant 25 per cent decrease for 18-30 year olds, and a 15.8 per cent decrease among 31-50 year olds.

However, the youngest (0-10 years) and oldest (51 years and older) age groups saw a rise in serious injuries caused by violence, with a stark 52.8 per cent increase in the 0-10 year category and a 7.7 per cent increase for those aged over 50 years.

Professor Jonathan Shepherd, a member of Cardiff University’s Violence Research Group and co-author of the report, said: "In 2023, the decreases in serious violence harm was greater among males, down 18 per cent, than females, down 5 per cent."

This was primarily due to the reductions in the 18-30 age group.

The study looked at 219 Emergency Departments, Minor Injury Units and Walk-in-Centres, suggesting that in 2023, males were twice as likely as females to receive treatment for violence-related injuries, a trend that appeared to be more prevalent during weekends and in May.

The professor said that the reduction is likely due to the implementation of prevention strategies.

He stated that the decrease in violence among adults aged 18-30 could also be attributed to more young adults living at home with their parents for longer periods.

These latest figures indicate a decrease in serious violence by 55 per cent since 2010 and by 66 per cent since 2001.