Les Misérables

Wales Millennium Centre


Until January 14

There are so many reasons that Les Misérables is one of the most popular and enduring musicals.

The music is extraordinary - from a number of powerful solo ballads to the rousing ensemble scenes via comedy knockabouts.

It is hard to pick a favourite ballad from Javert’s Stars, Lauren Drew’s Fantine singing I Dreamed a Dream or Jean Valjean’s Bring Him Home or Marius’ Empty Chairs and Empty Tables sung by Will Calan but my favourite is still Eponine’s On My Own beautifully sung by Siobhan O’Driscoll.

And then there are the ensemble scenes scene and the rousing Do You Hear The People Sing? anthem with the famous and heart-breaking barricade scene with each death pinpointed by shafts of light.

The orchestrations are rich and interesting and so much more than musical accompaniment with the players on fine form under the direction of Giles Deacon.

Victor Hugo’s book is one the longest novels and there is a lot of plot to get through but the story never feels rushed and is held to together by the conflict between Javert and Jean Vajean.

Nic Greenshields’ Javert is menacing and powerfully driven by an obsession to capture Valjean; while Dean Chisnall’s Valjean is just superb, believable as both convict and upstanding citizen with a complex moral perspective.

The comedy scenes with Ian Hughes and Helen Walsh relieve the dramatic tension and are genuinely funny and have the most sing-along song of the show.

Do yourself a favour and go and see Les Misérables at Wales Millennium Centre - you will love it - I will eat my beret if you don’t.
